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American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act and Elementary/Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)

Southern Cayuga CSD – March 2023 Update
The 2021-22 enacted NYS budget includes language requiring local education agencies, such as school districts, that receive funding from the Federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund allocated by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to post on its website a plan how these funds will be expended. 
New York has been allocated nearly $9 billion in ARP-ESSER funds, with a minimum of $8.09 billion going to local education agencies, including public schools.  Southern Cayuga Central School District has been allocated $2,178,143 by the American Rescue Plan and an additional $658,164 by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021.  Specific allocations of funding from both grants are listed below.  A projected three-year budget for both grants is attached.  CRRSAA funding is for one year while ARPA funding is for three years.   
Addressing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on All Students
Mental Health Therapist (1 FTE) – Southern Cayuga CSD recognizes ELL & low- income students and families were disproportionately and adversely impacted during the pandemic.  Mental Health Therapists are trained mental health professionals who assist students and families with mental health and behavioral concerns, provide positive behavioral supports, along with academic and classroom support. 
ELL Teacher (1 FTE)– Southern Cayuga CSD anticipates an increased need for ELL/ESL services as many students had limited interaction with the school during the pandemic.  Enrollment of ELL students has increased over several years without a corresponding staffing increase.   During the past year, Southern Cayuga welcomed all ELL students to return to in-person instruction five days per week.  Unfortunately, local farms were hit particularly hard with COVID infections which kept many of our youngest learners at home. If the need persists, the ELL teaching & TA position would shift from grant funding to the general budget after three years.   
Learning Loss/ Addressing the Impact of the Pandemic on Students
Math / Reading Coaches & AIS Teacher (6 FTE) – Southern Cayuga CSD anticipates an increased need for research-based interventions to address student learning loss.  The district will hire seven (6) reading and math coaches to provide direct services to students in grades 1-6.  The intervention specialists/ coaches will utilize a proven strategy, Real -Time Response, to identify and resolve skill deficits.  Our goal is to make these positions obsolete as students will perform at grade level by the end of three years.  Math coaches will focus on grade-appropriate skill development to ensure a solid foundation for higher-order thinking.  The reading coaches will focus on reading & writing skills in order to increase reading fluency and comprehension. 
Coach Coordination ( 1 FTE) – Southern Cayuga recognizes the need for coordination of our reading and math coaching teams to ensure the integrity of the program and the success of all students.  The coordinator will train each coach to set instructional priorities, design effective interventions, and monitor the progress of all participants on a daily basis.  The coordinator will monitor the progress of all students and meet weekly with all coaches to review the impact of the program.  The coordinator will ensure the reliability and validity of all performance data and develop a reporting tool for parents. 
Teacher Professional Development - Southern Cayuga CSD recognizes that effective professional development enables educators to develop the knowledge and skills they need to address students’ learning challenges. 
Professional development would specifically focus on early primary literacy skills and include LTRS training for all elementary teachers who teach English language arts.  Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LTRS) training teaches skills to master the fundamentals of reading instruction, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, writing, and language.  
Professional development would focus on the implementation of a proven intervention model to address learning loss during the pandemic.  Each of the math & reading coaches would receive professional development prior to starting in their new roles to ensure effective implementation and the integrity of this data-driven program.  Coaches would then meet monthly to monitor the progress of students and the program as a whole. 
Safely Returning Students to In-Person Instruction
Class-Size Reduction Teacher(s) - (1.5 FTE) – Southern Cayuga CSD recognizes the benefits of smaller class size especially in regards to the pandemic and maintaining adequate social distancing.  Teachers in small classes provide students with more individual attention, spend more time on instruction, and cover more material effectively.  Anticipated as a two-year expense then discontinued. 
Summer, Afterschool, and Extended Learning and Enrichment Programs
Summer School – Southern Cayuga CSD recognizes the need for course/credit recovery for at-risk high school students and skill development for students in grades 6-11.  The program will last 15 days using a combination of learning software and credit recovery to keep students on academic pace with their peers. 
Before/After School Academic, Extra-Curricular, & Intramural Activities – Southern Cayuga CSD recognizes the importance of athletics and extra-curricular activities in the lives of students.  We will expand tutoring and academic services for struggling students which will take place before and after school.  We will create new opportunities for students in the arts and athletics.  Participation in the arts encourages self-expression, creativity, and builds confidence.  Participation in athletics leads to stronger connections between students, peers, and the school resulting in better academic results, the development of work ethic, and an increased motivation to succeed.  A challenge for many families is the lack of community-based programming in the late primary grades, prior to students having the opportunity to participate in modified sports.  Southern Cayuga CSD proposes creating multiple short-term athletic, academic, and art opportunities (4-8 weeks) for students in grades 4-6 that will take place before and after the regular school day. 
Purchase of Educational Technology
Student Technology Devices – Southern Cayuga recognizes the benefits of 1:1 technology as students are more motivated to learn and are better connected to their peers and teachers.  1:1 technology increased access to instructional materials and has proven to be a critical tool to maintain instruction during the pandemic.  Southern Cayuga will Chromebooks in year two and three of the grant, along with tablet devices for younger learners. 
2022-2023 Projected ESSER 3 Cost $ 661,695
2023-2024 Projected ESSER 3 Cost $ 725,411
Salaried Positions (Year 1)
ELL Teacher (1)
Math Intervention Teacher (3)
Reading Intervention Teacher (.2)
Class Size Reduction Teacher (1.5)
Professional Development Hours
IST Project Coordinator (1)
Total $431,265
Salaried Positions (Year 1)
Mental Health Therapist (.2)
Total $9,282
Salaried Positions (Year 2)
ELL Teacher (1)
Math Intervention Teacher (3)
Class Size Reduction Teacher (1.5)
MTSS Project Coordinator (1)
Professional Development Hours
Mental Health Therapist (1)
Professional Development Hours
Total $454,628
Salaried Positions (Year 3)
ELL Teacher (1)
Math Intervention Teacher (3)
Class Size Reduction Teacher (1.5)
MTSS Project Coordinator (1)
AIS Teacher Grade 7/8 (1)
Mental Health Therapist (1)
Professional Development Hours
Total $540,485
Employee Benefits
Social Security
Total $121,930
Employee Benefits
Social Security
Total $3,626
Employee Benefits
Social Security
Total $121,048
Employee Benefits
Social Security
Total $159,911
Additional Expense
Technology $99,317
Total $99,317
Additional Expense
Technology $80,171
Total $80,171
Additional Expense
Technology $86,019
Total $86,019
Additional Expense
Total $25,015
Total Spent $652,512 Total Spent $93,079 Total $661,695 Total $725,411
Allocation $658,164      99% spent $1,480,185 for 3 years Projected through June 30, 2023 Balance $0       September 2024
ESSER III Reserve Learning Loss
Allocation $499,966
ARP ESSER III Enrichment AS (2021-2024)
Allocation $100,002
ARP ESSER III Summer Learning (2021-2024)
Allocation $100,002
Salaried Positions
3 Reading Intervention Teachers over two years
Total $316,308
Salaried Positions
Enrichment Teacher/Staff $80,000
Total $80,000
Salaried Positions
Summer School Teachers $85,000
Total $85,000
Employee Benefits
Social Security
Total $137,529
Employee Benefits
Social Security
Total $14,000
Employee Benefits
Social Security
Total $15,002
Additional Expense
Supplies $6,002
Total $6,002
Projected Total $453,837 Expense to Date $14,531 Expense to Date $59,186
June 30, 2024                           Bal $46,159 May 31, 2023                      Bal  $85,471 August 2023                   Bal $0


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Patrick Jensen, Superintendent
2384 State Route 34B
Aurora, NY 13026
Phone: (315) 364-7211