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Southern Cayuga CSD Policy Book

Contained herein are the policy statements formulated by the Board of Education of the Southern Cayuga Central School District.

Policy is defined as a basic plan of action. It establishes limits within which freedom of judgment can be exercised.

Policy is a governing principle of management. It is a statement that has an effect on the interests of those who come under its jurisdiction. A policy may originate from the constitution, from statute, from local determinations and/or from customary patterns of formal behavior.

Policy should accomplish the following:

a) State a position taken by the District;
b) Grant the authority to act;
c) Be sufficiently detailed to give adequate direction;
d) Be achievable within the real environment of the school and community;
e) Provide for impartial procedures.

Academic Intervention Services Notice

The New York State Education Department requires school districts to offer academic intervention services (AIS) to students who perform below designated performance levels.  Historically students in grades three through eight who have scored below proficient on state assessments in English language arts or mathematics have been required to receive AIS.  NYSED has provided revised designated performance levels for districts to use in determining which students qualify for AIS.  Please see our district AIS plan for a thorough explanation of the process by which the Southern Cayuga School District determines which students will receive AIS.

Southern Cayuga CSD Policy

SCCS Policy Book
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Patrick Jensen, Superintendent
2384 State Route 34B
Aurora, NY 13026
Phone: (315) 364-7211